Category: Blocks

  • A Simple Comparison: WordPress Block Editor vs Elementor

    WordPress, a very popular website builder, comes with different editors that you can use to create your website. Today, we’ll talk about two of these: the WordPress Block Editor (also known as Gutenberg) and Elementor.

    What is the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg)?

    Gutenberg is the basic editor that comes with WordPress. It uses a simple system of ‘blocks’ that you can drag and drop to build your website. Blocks can be anything like text, images, or headings. It’s like using building blocks to create your site.

    What is Elementor?

    Elementor is a separate tool that you can add to WordPress. It offers many more features than Gutenberg, helping you design your site in more detail. It’s easy to use and perfect for both beginners and expert website designers.

    A Simple Comparison

    Ease of Use

    Gutenberg and Elementor both allow you to build your site by dragging and dropping blocks. Elementor is a little easier to use for beginners, though, because of its simple design and pre-made templates.

    Design Options

    Gutenberg offers a decent range of design options, but Elementor goes further. With Elementor, you get a huge range of design tools and templates, which helps if you want to create a unique, professional-looking site.


    Websites built with Gutenberg often load faster than those built with Elementor, because it’s a simpler tool with fewer features. This means your site visitors can start browsing your site quicker.


    Gutenberg is free – it comes with WordPress. Elementor has a free version but also a paid version that gives you more features. If you’re on a budget, Gutenberg is a great choice.

    Working with Other Tools

    Gutenberg is more likely to work well with other WordPress tools and add-ons because it’s built into WordPress. Elementor is a separate tool, so it might not work as smoothly with some WordPress features.

    Help and Support

    Elementor offers premium support if you pay for the pro version. For Gutenberg, you can get help from the wider WordPress community and online forums.


    Both Gutenberg and Elementor have good points. If you want a simple, fast, and free tool, Gutenberg could be for you. If you want more design options and are happy to pay for them, Elementor is a great choice.

    But, the best tool for you really depends on what you need. Remember, both tools are always improving and changing, which makes designing websites with WordPress a very exciting prospect.

  • Creating Your First WordPress Block

    The WordPress block editor, known as Gutenberg, offers a modern and intuitive interface for managing content. It’s based on the concept of “blocks”, which are modular elements that users can insert, rearrange, and style to build content-rich web pages. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to create your first WordPress block programmatically with code.


    Before you start, you should have:

    • A local or remote WordPress installation.
    • Basic understanding of JavaScript, PHP, React, and WordPress development.

    For creating a custom block, you’ll need a modern development setup for JavaScript. That means setting up Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) on your machine. We’ll also use wp-scripts package provided by WordPress to simplify the build process.

    Step 1: Setup a Plugin

    Blocks are typically distributed as plugins. So, start by creating a new plugin. In your WordPress plugin directory (usually wp-content/plugins/), create a new folder, say, my-first-block.

    Inside the plugin directory, create two files:

    • my-first-block.php: This is the main plugin file.
    • index.js: This is where we’ll write our block code.

    Step 2: Enqueue Block Assets

    Next, we need to enqueue the JavaScript file we’ll be writing. In my-first-block.php, add the following:

     * Plugin Name: My First Block
    function my_first_block_script() {
            plugins_url( 'index.js', __FILE__ ),
            array( 'wp-blocks', 'wp-element' ),
            time() // For development only, replace with your plugin version for production
    add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'my_first_block_script' );

    Step 3: Install Node.js and npm

    Now you need to setup Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager). You can download Node.js from the official website. npm is bundled with Node.js.

    Once you’ve installed Node.js and npm, check their versions by running these commands in your terminal:

    node -v
    npm -v

    Step 4: Install the wp-scripts package

    In the terminal, navigate to your plugin’s directory (my-first-block) and initiate a new npm project with npm init -y.

    Next, install the @wordpress/scripts package by running the command:

    npm install @wordpress/scripts --save-dev

    Then, create a new file in your plugin directory called webpack.config.js:

    const defaultConfig = require( "@wordpress/scripts/config/webpack.config" );
    module.exports = {

    Step 5: Create a Block

    Now, let’s write some JavaScript to create a simple block. In index.js, add the following code:

    const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
    const { RichText } = wp.blockEditor;
    registerBlockType('my-first-block/hello-world', {
        title: 'Hello World',
        icon: 'admin-site',
        category: 'common',
        attributes: {
            content: {
                type: 'string',
                default: 'Hello World',
        edit({attributes, setAttributes}) {
            const { content } = attributes;
            function onChangeContent(newContent) {
                setAttributes({ content: newContent });
            return (
        save({attributes}) {
            return (
                <RichText.Content tagName="p" value={attributes.content} />

    This code registers a new block type and makes it available in the block editor. The block includes an editable field that allows users to input text.

    Step 6: Build and Test Your Block

    In your package.json, add a new scripts property:

    "scripts": {
        "start": "wp-scripts start",
        "build": "wp-scripts build"

    Run the development build command:

    npm run start

    If everything is set up correctly, your block should be available in the Gutenberg editor under the name ‘Hello World’. Test your block by creating a new post and adding the ‘Hello World’ block.

    And voilà! You’ve created your first WordPress block programmatically with code.

    Remember, the world of Gutenberg blocks is vast, and there are a multitude of options and attributes you can utilize to create more complex and dynamic blocks. But this simple guide should help you get started on your path to mastering WordPress block development. Happy coding!

    Special thanks to Code Block Pro – for amazing syntax highlighter plugin.