Day 15: Conditional Block Rendering in Gutenberg


Welcome to Day 15 of the Gutenberg development series! Today, we’re diving into conditional block rendering. This technique allows you to control when and where blocks are displayed based on specific conditions, such as user roles, post metadata, or custom fields.

For example, you could create a block that only shows content to logged-in users or display different content based on whether a post is marked as featured.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to:

  • Implement conditional block rendering based on user roles.
  • Display blocks conditionally using post metadata or custom fields.
  • Dynamically control block visibility in the editor and on the front end.

What is Conditional Block Rendering?

Conditional block rendering means displaying a block only if certain conditions are met. This allows for more personalized content and dynamic user experiences. Common use cases include:

  • User Role-Based Rendering: Show specific content for logged-in users or administrators.
  • Post Metadata-Based Rendering: Display blocks only when certain metadata (e.g., a featured flag) is set.
  • Custom Field-Based Rendering: Show blocks based on values from custom fields or post types.

This approach gives you greater control over what users see, ensuring the right content is displayed under the right circumstances.

Step 1: Conditional Rendering Based on User Roles

Let’s start by creating a block that only displays content to logged-in users or specific user roles (like administrators).

PHP: Rendering Content Based on User Role

In your block registration file (e.g., blocks/conditional-block.php), we’ll add logic to conditionally render the block’s content based on the user’s role.

function my_theme_render_conditional_block( $attributes ) {
    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
        // Only show the block to logged-in users
        return '<div class="logged-in-content">Welcome, logged-in user!</div>';
    } else {
        // Show this message to users who are not logged in
        return '<div class="logged-out-content">Please log in to see the content.</div>';

// Register the block with a conditional render callback
function my_theme_register_conditional_block() {
    register_block_type( 'my-theme/conditional-block', array(
        'render_callback' => 'my_theme_render_conditional_block',
    ) );
add_action( 'init', 'my_theme_register_conditional_block' );


  • is_user_logged_in(): This WordPress function checks if the user is logged in.
  • render_callback: The block’s render callback allows us to conditionally output content based on this check.

With this setup, the block will display one message for logged-in users and a different message for visitors who aren’t logged in.

Step 2: Conditional Rendering Based on Post Metadata

Next, we’ll display blocks conditionally based on post metadata—specifically, whether the post is marked as featured.

PHP: Rendering Content Based on Post Metadata

We can use custom post meta fields to control the block’s visibility.

function my_theme_render_metadata_block( $attributes ) {
    $post_id = get_the_ID();
    $is_featured = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'is_featured', true );

    if ( $is_featured ) {
        // Show the block only if the post is marked as featured
        return '<div class="featured-content">This is a featured post!</div>';
    } else {
        // Don't display anything if the post isn't featured
        return '';

// Register the block with metadata-based conditional rendering
function my_theme_register_metadata_block() {
    register_block_type( 'my-theme/metadata-conditional-block', array(
        'render_callback' => 'my_theme_render_metadata_block',
    ) );
add_action( 'init', 'my_theme_register_metadata_block' );


  • get_post_meta(): Retrieves the value of the custom meta field is_featured for the current post.
  • Conditional Check: The block content is only shown if the post is marked as featured.

Step 3: Conditional Rendering Using Custom Fields

You can also control block visibility using custom fields. For example, let’s conditionally render a block based on a custom field called show_block.

PHP: Rendering Content Based on Custom Fields

function my_theme_render_custom_field_block( $attributes ) {
    $post_id = get_the_ID();
    $show_block = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'show_block', true );

    if ( $show_block ) {
        return '<div class="custom-field-content">This block is visible because the custom field is set!</div>';
    } else {
        return '';

// Register the block with custom field-based conditional rendering
function my_theme_register_custom_field_block() {
    register_block_type( 'my-theme/custom-field-conditional-block', array(
        'render_callback' => 'my_theme_render_custom_field_block',
    ) );
add_action( 'init', 'my_theme_register_custom_field_block' );


  • Custom Field Check: The block is rendered based on the value of the show_block custom field, which is set in the post’s custom fields.

Step 4: Implementing Conditional Rendering in the Block Editor

To allow users to control block visibility conditions from the Block Editor, we can use Inspector Controls to add toggle switches or dropdowns for enabling or disabling content based on conditions.

JavaScript: Adding Toggle Controls for Conditional Display

In your block’s edit function, you can add an InspectorControls panel that allows the user to choose whether the block should display based on a condition.

import { InspectorControls } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import { PanelBody, ToggleControl } from '@wordpress/components';
import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';

registerBlockType('my-theme/conditional-block', {
    title: 'Conditional Block',
    category: 'common',
    attributes: {
        showToLoggedInUsers: {
            type: 'boolean',
            default: false,
    edit: (props) => {
        const { attributes: { showToLoggedInUsers }, setAttributes } = props;

        return (
                    <PanelBody title="Visibility Settings">
                            label="Show to Logged-in Users"
                            onChange={(value) => setAttributes({ showToLoggedInUsers: value })}
                <div>{showToLoggedInUsers ? 'Visible to logged-in users' : 'Visible to all users'}</div>
    save: () => {
        return null; // Rendered server-side


  • InspectorControls: Adds a toggle switch to the block settings in the editor, allowing users to control visibility.
  • ToggleControl: Lets users toggle whether the block is visible to logged-in users.

Step 5: Testing the Conditional Blocks

Once you’ve set up the conditional rendering logic, follow these steps to test your blocks:

  1. Rebuild Your Block: If you’re using a development environment, rebuild your block by running the appropriate command (e.g., npm run build).
  2. Test in the Editor: Go to the Block Editor and add your conditional blocks. Use the Inspector Controls to set visibility options.
  3. Check the Front End: Publish the post and view it on the front end to ensure the blocks display correctly based on the conditions you’ve set.

Best Practices for Conditional Block Rendering

  1. Use Meaningful Conditions: Ensure that the conditions used for rendering are clear and make sense for the content. For example, role-based conditions should be intuitive for the user (e.g., showing admin-only content).
  2. Test Extensively: Test your conditional blocks with various user roles, metadata values, and dates to ensure that the rendering logic works across different scenarios.
  3. Consider Performance: Since conditional rendering often depends on server-side logic, ensure that your conditions are optimized to avoid performance bottlenecks, especially when querying post metadata or other dynamic data.

Conclusion: Enhancing Flexibility with Conditional Block Rendering

Conditional block rendering allows you to create highly flexible content layouts that adapt based on user roles, metadata, or custom logic. This feature enables more personalized content experiences, such as showing specific blocks to logged-in users or hiding content based on custom fields.

In this article, you’ve learned how to:

  • Set up conditional block rendering based on user roles.
  • Use post metadata to control block visibility.
  • Apply custom logic to create dynamic rendering conditions.

In Day 16, we’ll dive into interactive blocks, where we’ll explore how to create blocks that respond to user input, enhancing interactivity on your site.

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