Tag: Improve block load time in WordPress

  • Day 29: Optimizing Block Performance in Gutenberg


    Welcome to Day 29 of the Gutenberg development series! Today, we’ll discuss optimizing block performance to ensure that custom blocks load quickly and efficiently in the WordPress Block Editor and on the front end. Poorly optimized blocks can slow down the editing experience, especially when dealing with complex content. By following best practices and implementing performance improvements, you can create smoother, faster blocks that enhance the user experience.

    In this guide, you’ll learn how to:

    • Minimize block bundle sizes for faster loading.
    • Use code-splitting and lazy loading.
    • Optimize block queries and data fetching.

    Why Is Performance Important for Gutenberg Blocks?

    Performance optimization is crucial for a seamless user experience in the Block Editor. Slow-loading blocks can frustrate users, especially when working with large content. Optimized blocks:

    • Load Faster: Speed up the Block Editor by reducing load times.
    • Enhance Usability: Create a smoother editing experience by minimizing delays.
    • Improve SEO: Faster blocks on the front end contribute to better page load speeds, which can positively impact search engine rankings.

    Step 1: Minimize JavaScript and CSS Bundle Sizes

    Reducing the size of your block’s JavaScript and CSS bundles is key to faster load times.

    1. Use import Statements for Specific Functions

    When importing functions from WordPress libraries, import only what you need instead of entire packages.

    // Instead of this
    import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
    import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';
    import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
    import { InspectorControls, ColorPalette, RichText } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
    // Import only what you need
    import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
    import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';
    import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
    import { InspectorControls } from '@wordpress/block-editor';


    • Selective Imports: This helps reduce the size of your JavaScript bundle, leading to faster load times.
    • Tree-Shaking: Modern bundlers like Webpack will automatically remove unused imports, but keeping imports minimal helps further.
    1. Minify JavaScript and CSS

    Use tools like Terser for JavaScript minification and CSSNano for CSS to reduce file sizes:

    npm install terser cssnano --save-dev


    • Minification: Reduces the size of JavaScript and CSS files by removing whitespace, comments, and unnecessary characters.

    Step 2: Code-Splitting and Lazy Loading

    To avoid loading all scripts and styles at once, use code-splitting and lazy loading to load resources only when needed.

    1. Lazy Load Heavy Components

    For example, if a block has a Media Library component that loads images, lazy load this component only when it’s needed:

    import { lazy, Suspense } from '@wordpress/element';
    const MediaLibrary = lazy(() => import('./MediaLibrary'));
    const MyBlockEdit = () => (
        <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
            <MediaLibrary />


    • Lazy: Dynamically imports the MediaLibrary component, loading it only when it’s required.
    • Suspense: Displays a fallback UI (like a loading spinner) while the component loads.
    1. Split Your Code Using Webpack

    Configure Webpack to split your code into smaller chunks:

    module.exports = {
        optimization: {
            splitChunks: {
                chunks: 'all',


    • Code-Splitting: Breaks down your JavaScript into smaller bundles, which are loaded as needed rather than all at once.

    Step 3: Optimize Data Fetching with useSelect

    Fetching data efficiently ensures that your blocks don’t make unnecessary requests, slowing down the editor.

    1. Limit API Requests Using useSelect

    If your block fetches data (e.g., posts or user details), use useSelect to retrieve only the data you need:

    import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
    const MyBlockEdit = () => {
        const latestPosts = useSelect((select) =>
            select('core').getEntityRecords('postType', 'post', { per_page: 5 })
        if (!latestPosts) {
            return 'Loading...';
        return (
                {latestPosts.map((post) => (
                    <li key={post.id}>{post.title.rendered}</li>


    • Selective Data Fetching: By limiting the number of posts fetched, you prevent unnecessary load on the server and the Block Editor.
    • Conditional Rendering: Displays a loading state until the data is ready, improving the perceived performance.

    Step 4: Use Server-Side Rendering for Complex Blocks

    For blocks that involve heavy processing or calculations, use server-side rendering to reduce the load on the Block Editor.

    1. Server-Side Render a Block

    In your block registration file, enable server-side rendering:

    register_block_type('my-theme/server-side-block', array(
        'render_callback' => 'my_theme_render_server_side_block',
    function my_theme_render_server_side_block($attributes) {
        $content = '<div class="server-side-content">Dynamic content generated on the server.</div>';
        return $content;


    • Server-Side Rendering: Shifts complex logic to the server, ensuring that the editor remains responsive by loading pre-rendered content.
    • render_callback: Uses PHP to render the block on the server, ideal for blocks that fetch data or perform calculations.

    Step 5: Optimizing Front-End Performance

    1. Load Scripts and Styles Conditionally

    Ensure that block scripts and styles are only loaded on pages where they’re needed:

    function my_theme_enqueue_block_assets() {
        if (has_block('my-theme/specific-block')) {
            wp_enqueue_style('my-theme-block-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/blocks/style.css');
            wp_enqueue_script('my-theme-block-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/blocks/script.js', array(), '1.0.0', true);
    add_action('enqueue_block_assets', 'my_theme_enqueue_block_assets');


    • Conditional Loading: Ensures that block-specific styles and scripts are only loaded on pages that use those blocks, reducing the overall page load time.

    Best Practices for Block Performance Optimization

    1. Test Performance Regularly: Use tools like Lighthouse and Chrome DevTools to analyze the performance of your blocks in the editor and on the front end.
    2. Bundle Only What You Need: Avoid adding unnecessary libraries or assets to your block bundles.
    3. Prioritize User Experience: Focus on optimizing parts of your blocks that directly impact user interactions, such as loading states or media-heavy components.

    Conclusion: Making Gutenberg Blocks Fast and Efficient

    Optimizing the performance of your custom Gutenberg blocks ensures that users have a smooth and responsive editing experience. By minimizing bundle sizes, using code-splitting, optimizing data fetching, and leveraging server-side rendering, you can create blocks that are both powerful and efficient.

    In this article, you’ve learned how to:

    • Reduce bundle sizes for faster block loading.
    • Use lazy loading and code-splitting for resource efficiency.
    • Optimize data fetching with useSelect and conditional rendering.
    • Leverage server-side rendering for complex blocks.

    In Day 30, we’ll conclude our series by exploring best practices for Gutenberg development, summarizing key takeaways, and looking at the future of WordPress block development.